(Matthew 26:3-5)

At that very moment the chief priests and other Jewish officials were meeting at the residence of Caiaphas the High Priest, to discuss ways of capturing Jesus quietly, and killing him. "But not during the Passover celebration," they agreed, "for there would be a riot."

SOURCE: (Matthew 26:3-5) The Children's Living Bible, ©1970 Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton Illinois 60187

Being a Christian is NOT politically correct today. I am often amused at the various fringe groups that represent a VERY SMALL MINORITY of people on certain issues, who have been given a prominent "voice" in our society since most people are afraid to speak out against them. Pro-homosexual groups have found that all they have to do is threaten to call a person or group "homophobic" and they can basically do whatever they want. PETA has learned to effectively use "bully tactics" and "outrageous stunts" to bring its minority view on food to the masses. The latest of these MANY types of fringe groups is the National Council of Women's Organizations, an umbrella coalition of women's groups headed by Dr. Martha Burk. She has made herself and her organization prominent in the media as of late for her call to have Augusta National, a PRIVATE GOLF CLUB, accept women members.

I am not interested in debating the merits of this issue today, but suffice it to say that once PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS can be forced to comply to the wishes of outside groups, we are on dangerous ground. While Dr. Burk has ZERO LEGAL grounds to make this demand on Augusta, a PRIVATE ORGANIZATION, she has decided to use the media, the political correctness of our times, and tactics that border on outright extortion to try and accomplish her goal. The sad fact is, even if she got 1, 10, 100 women admitted as members to Augusta National, the cause of women would have been advanced by ZERO! This is simply a grandstand issue, that no doubt her organization will use to generate millions of dollars from their members in future mailings. Even if she succeeds in getting this ONE PRIVATE ORGANIZATION to accept a woman as a member, NOTHING will have been advanced in the area of women's rights.

What I do find appalling however, is that Dr. Burk in her many press interviews, says the it is "morally incumbent" for Augusta National to accept a woman member. MORALLY INCUMBENT! This is the same woman that heads an umbrella organization of women's groups that ADVOCATES the premeditated killing of innocent babies! Pro-choice is just a cleaned up tag for PRO-DEATH! Do you want to talk about MORALLY INCUMBENT? While she is grandstanding trying to extort a private organization into admitting a woman into this socially elite group, she is at the same time overseeing a group that advocates the slaughter of millions of innocent babies each and every year. AND SHE USES THE WORDS "MORALLY INCUMBENT"???

Listen, my point today is to help you have a better understanding that there are MANY GROUPS out there, MANY Dr. Burks out there, that will one day... I GUARANTEE YOU... will be coming after the church and all Christian organizations. This IS NOT fear talking, this is NOT paranoia talking, this is simply common sense. It IS ALREADY HAPPENING. In our nation today, it is not politically correct to say anything negative about people of other nations, it is not politically correct to say anything about people who choose to live whatever perverted lifestyle they have chosen to live, it is not politically correct to really say anything bad about anyone... except Bible-believing Christians!

Yet we are called "intolerant". Let me tell you something. The Christian faith is the MOST tolerant faith there is. In the cults, in other faiths, outsiders are NOT welcome. FREEWILL is not part of the picture. IT WAS GOD OUR CREATOR, THAT GAVE US FREEWILL TO MAKE OUR OWN CHOICES. How intolerant is that? It was God who said, "whosoever believeth on Him shall have everlasting life"! WHOSOEVER MEANS ANYONE!!!! The Christian faith is the most tolerant faith there is. It is ALL INCLUSIVE!

In today's scripture, the Jewish leadership plotted to get rid of Jesus. There are people in the world today, in our very country, who would love to see the church eliminated and see the Word of God silenced. But as I write these words, I am reminded of that great song Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote that was a standard for the group 'TRUTH' for many years, THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT. Here are the anointed words from part of that great song of the faith. READ THEM SLOWLY.. OVER AND OVER!!!!!

God Has Always Had A People! Many a foolish conquer made the mistake of thinking that because he had forced the Church of Jesus Christ out of site, that he had stilled its voice and snuffed out its life. But God Has Always Had A People! The powerful current of a rushing river is not diminished because it is forced to flow underground. The purest water is the stream that bursts crystal clear into the sunlight after it has fought its way through solid rock.. There have been charlatans who like Simon the magician, sought to barter on the open market that power which can not be bought or sold. But God Has Always Had A People! Men who could not be bought and women who were beyond purchase. Yes, God Has Always Had A People! There have been times of affluence and prosperity when the Church's message was nearly diluted into oblivion by those who sought to make it socially attractive, neatly organized and financially profitable. It has been gold plated, draped in purple and encrusted with jewels. It has been misrepresented, ridiculed, lotted and scorned. These followers of Jesus Christ have been according to the whim of the times elevated as sacred leaders and martyred as heretics. Yet through it all, their marches on that powerful army of the meek, God's chosen people that can't be bought, flattered, murdered or stilled. On through the ages they march. The Church, God's Church Triumphant, is Alive and Well! Now listen child of God. It's alive! Discouraged pastor it's His Church and it's alive! Lonely Missionary sow your seeds with confidence! It's alive my broken hearted friend! Old saint you're not alone and forgotten the Church is alive! Busy mother cast your cares on Jesus! It's alive young student. You're not alone in serving the Lord! Faithful father there's rest in the Lord! The Church is alive! Cynical skeptic you haven't killed God with your noisy unbelief. He's Alive! So family of God raise you hands and praise the Lord. For the Church; God's Church Triumphant, Is Alive and Well!

I love you and care about you very much. In these last days the people of God will be coming under more fire, more persecution, more challenges then ever before. But the key is, as the people of TRUTH, we must hold firm. We must NOT CONFORM to the political correctness of this world, but stand firm for the TRUTH that God has given to us in His Word. It will rarely be a popular position. But the fact is, we are not called to be popular, but faithful. We are not called to be conformed to this world, but conform this world to God. We are not asked to hide our "light" in this dark world we live in, but let it shine brightly.

Groups like PETA, the pro-homosexual lobby, the Dr. Martha Burks' of this world have found ways to get the message of their small minority into the mainstream of our daily life to further their causes. For 40 years now the pro-death forces have not only legislated, but made mainstream the idea that it is OK for women to kill their babies. The anti-God forces have already taken prayer out of our schools, and are trying daily to eliminate God from the public square. We as the people of God can continue to sit back meekly and quietly and let this happen, or we can make OUR VOICE HEARD. The fact is, we have the greatest cause there is, everlasting life. We have the ONLY message of hope in this world, the message of Christ. In the end, we have NOBODY to blame but ourselves if our message is not getting out. Let us be as bold as the fringe groups promoting the causes of this temporary world. LET US NOT BE ASHAMED TO TELL THIS LOST AND HURTING WORLD, THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER, THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY, JESUS CHRIST!!!


In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal email at bkeller@liveprayer.com.

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