*** THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DEVOTIONALS THAT GOD HAS LED ME TO WRITE IN OVER 3 YEARS OF LIVEPRAYER SINCE IT DEALS WITH THE VERY CORE BELIEFS THAT WE HOLD TRUE AS CHRISTIANS AND LIVE OUR LIVES BY EACH DAY. I listened with a heavy heart as I heard FOX NEWS personality Bill O'Reilly use his opening Talking Points Friday night to HAMMER those that HE called the "religious right" for having the audacity to speak out that homosexuality is a SIN and there are NO CIRCUMSTANCES that those engaged in that lifestyle should be able to adopt children. HE ACTUALLY COMPARED THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO BELIEVE GOD'S WORD WITH THE TALIBAN!!! It seems now that he has a hot TV program Mr. O'Reilly has determined that God is wrong, and HE is right. Those that are "foolish" enough to believe what God says may not be fashionable in today's society, but the choice is we either believe what the God who created the universe told us in HIS WORD.... or we don't! THAT is a question that we must answer each and every day in the course of our daily lives!!!***

(2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21)

The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right.

For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God.

SOURCE: (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21) The Children's Living Bible, ©1970 Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton Illinois 60187

Either God is right, or the "world" is right!!! God says over 100 times in the Old AND New Testament that homosexuality is a sin. The world says that it is an "alternative", and perfectly acceptable lifestyle. God says that we are to speak up and call SIN... SIN. The world says that we should be "tolerant" and just accept the way people choose to live their lives. God says to love everyone, even if they don't love us. The world says to love those who think like you do, and look to destroy those who don't. God says that HIS plan for a FAMILY is a man and woman who are married! The world says that YOU can decide whatever YOU want a family to be. God has given us HIS inspired, inerrant Word that represents ABSOLUTE TRUTH that is the final authority in ALL matters. The world says each person can decide for themselves what is right and wrong and the beliefs of each person's thoughts become the final authority for that person. Either God is right, or the "world" is right, BUT THEY BOTH CAN'T BE RIGHT!!!

Each day, this Devotional goes to over 1.2 million subscribers worldwide. I know MANY forward these to all of the people in their address books, and post this Devotional on numerous message boards each day. So every day... well over 2 million all over the world read the words that God inspires me to write. I know from research that we have done, about 1/3 of those who read this each day are NOT Christians, NOT in church, but simply people struggling with the day to day issues of life and have found some hope and comfort in what God leads me to share. I say that to say, I speak to a very BROAD audience every day on the issues that God puts on my heart to share. The real-life day to day issues that we all face, putting them in the context of our faith. I get an average of 3-5 death threats every month. Most of those come on the heels of a Devotional that I have written on the fact GOD says, NOT BILL KELLER, that homosexuality is a sin, or that abortion is murder! So I know first-hand that many people who read what God has to say about the issues, like to attack me personally, when in fact, they are simply rebelling against what God has clearly stated. Taking a stand for what GOD clearly says is NOT POPULAR in our culture!

Mr. O'Reilly has had an ongoing vendetta against Jesse Jackson. I want to say up front that I do not agree with Rev. Jackson's theology, or his practice of using race to extort money from corporations. However, Rev. Jackson has used HIS position to accomplish some positive things, making him a powerful person. Mr. O'Reilly practices the SAME tactics, though his is tied to the popularity of his program by picking and choosing "hot button events" to HAMMER on his program. I have seen this evolution over the last year to make what he does "significant" in the eyes of his viewers and have a "purpose", other than what his program is.. news entertainment. However, his limited success has gone to his head and he is now calling out those who choose to believe the "foolishness of the Bible", those who have the audacity to call sin.. sin, simply to promote the O'Reilly view of the world. A study of Herod's death after he proclaimed himself a "god" (Acts 12:20-23) would be relevant for Mr. O'Reilly. He may be able to fight those who disagree with his views in Hollywood, and he may be able to fight the "rap" music business, but he will LOSE trying to fight God. God knows how to bring the "haughty" to their knees, ask his nemesis Rev. Jackson!

My purpose today is not to bash Bill O'Reilly for his anti-Biblical views of life. He is just one of many who choose to view the world as THEY see it, as opposed to how GOD sees it. That is their God-given freewill right to do. The important issue however is how YOU see the world. My concern today is that YOU do not allow the world to captivate YOUR VIEW of life, but that YOU hold fast to keep this life in the context of how God put it. We are simply to serve and glorify Him during our brief stay here. The most important choice that you will make in this life is your eternal destination. By His grace, He has made it possible for YOU to be forever in fellowship with God, your Creator, by putting your faith in His Son Jesus Christ. However, IF you choose to make that choice, you have to realize that what God said about salvation, what God said about eternity, is true. Just as true however, is what God says about the brief journey we are all on called life. He clearly gave us in His Word, the road map to follow on this journey, to enable us to have a life of abundance and purpose! IF WE CHOOSE TO ACCEPT INTO OUR HEARTS JESUS CHRIST BY FAITH, IF WE CHOOSE TO BELIEVE WHAT GOD HAS TO SAY ABOUT SALVATION, WE MUST ALSO BELIEVE EVERYTHING ELSE THAT GOD HAS TOLD US IN THE BIBLE. YOU CAN'T PICK AND CHOOSE WHAT YOU MAY NOT AGREE WITH.

I love you and care about you so much. In this life, each day, we have to make choices to follow God or to follow the world. If our faith is in His Son Jesus Christ, the choice is simple. Those who only see life as this brief existence will buy into the world's view on issues since it makes them "enlightened" and part of the "mainstream". However, the people of God must never forget that our citizenship is in another country. Our hope is not in this life but in God's PROMISE. Our future is not in this temporary place but in the eternal home God has prepared for us. The sad fact is, if people would live this life as God tells us to, so many of the problems and issues that we face would not exist. But man is a rebellions creature. God by design gave us freewill to choose to love Him or rebel against Him. We make that choice each and every day. We can either choose God.. or choose this world.

Many may call me crazy, stupid, or "brainwashed". I am "crazy" enough to believe that what God said in His Word is true. I am "stupid" enough to believe God is my Creator and all that He said is true, and I am "brainwashed" enough by the Word of God to believe that He gave us the ABSOLUTE TRUTH to live this life by!!!! In the end, either God is right or this "world" is right. THEY BOTH CAN'T BE RIGHT. I CHOOSE TO GIVE MY LIFE, THAT GOD IS!!!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal email at bkeller@liveprayer.com.

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