Wednesday, November 6, 2003

My Friend,

Witnessing, sharing our faith is something that God has COMMANDED us to do, not suggested we do. There are tons of books on how to witness, lots teachings on this subject, and many great evangelistic systems, all great resources to help a Believer in Christ to share their faith with others. You can never learn enough about witnessing our faith.

However, never forget these two things. First, the most effective way for a Believer to witness is not by what you say, but how you live your life day in and day out. YOU are the only Bible many people will ever read. Second, the most powerful words you can ever share with someone are what Jesus Christ has done in your life. Your personal testimony of how Christ has impacted your life will always be the most powerful words you share with someone.

Today, I want to give you another way that you can witness to others, and plant seeds in their lives. The Liveprayer Daily Devotional goes to over 1.8 million email accounts worldwide every day. With those who forward it to others, it is estimated that approx. 3 million people read it daily.

I want to encourage everyone to pray about 10 people in your life that need God's Word each day. Get their email addresses and send them to me at I will get them added to receive the Daily Devotional. As you know, there is a one-click UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of every email for those who don't want to continue receiving it. This is an incredible way to feed the truth of God's Word into peoples lives each and every day.

Also, I receive lists of email addresses all the time from churches that have posted sign-up sheets, from Bible study groups, from employers that have signed up their employees, from others that have sent in lists of co-workers to get the Devotional, and many others who have put together large lists of people to start receiving the Devotional.

This is a great way to share the hope and love of Jesus Christ, the truth of God's Word with others in a very simple, yet powerful way. I want to challenge you today to pray about 10 people you know who need Christ, or need to be encouraged in their daily walk, as well as other ways to get this Devotional to as many people as possible.

Again, all I need is their complete email address. Send your lists to:

***NOTE: Liveprayer could generate over $3 million annually by "renting" our email lists to marketing companies. THIS IS A MINISTRY, NOT A BUSINESS. I would NEVER violate the trust I have with each of you by ever doing that. I realize other online ministries generate revenues in this way, but it is not something I will EVER do under ANY circumstance. The email addresses of those who receive the Daily Devotional will always remain 100% confidential.

Lastly, another great way to plant seeds is by giving to Liveprayer. Your gifts are what keep us here each day for so many. Less than 1/4 of 1% of those who receive the Daily Devotional ever give to support the work here. But God uses the faithfulness of a few, to feed the many. Please pray today about sowing a financial seed into Liveprayer that will grow in the lives of those we minister to each day.

As we are a few days into our 51st month here at Liveprayer, I want to ask you to pray today about helping me. I need your prayers, and I need you to give the best gift you possibly can give. Each month we need $30,000 to meet all of our monthly obligations. That means we are able to minister to just under 2 million people worldwide every single day for just $1,000 a day!!! Take a moment and pray right now, ask God what He wants you to do to help me this month, and then be obedient.

You can give your gift on a major credit card via our secured server at our website, under "donations", or you can give using your PayPal account using my email address,, or you can always mail in your gift to:
6660 46th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33709
ALL gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

Witnessing is something God has commanded us to do. Seeing the lost come to Christ is something every Believer should have a passion for. Getting this Devotional to people is a great witnessing tool. Giving to the work of Liveprayer is a great way to plant seeds in the lives of people who would never hear of Christ's love, or never learn the truth of God's Word any other way.

So take some time today to 1) ask God to give you wisdom in putting together a list of email addresses to start receiving the Daily Devotional, and 2) pray about what God wants you to give this month to support the work here at Liveprayer.

I love you and care about you so much. I pray for you daily as we share this journey together. WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF PEOPLE FOR ETERNITY!!!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal email at

***NEW AUDIO DEVOTIONAL! You are now be able to get an audio version of the Daily Devotional each day done by me at As wonderful as it is to be able to communicate with you through email, many of these Devotionals need to be heard. I pray that this new free service will be a blessing to you.

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