(Matthew 7:1)

Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

SOURCE: (Matthew 7:1) The New Student Bible, ©1992 Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids Michigan 49530

Judging others. This is a verse that many use incorrectly, and I want to take a moment today to clarify what Jesus said when He shared this great truth during the Sermon on the Mount. Because I have never been afraid of calling sin sin as I share the TRUTH of God's Word with you each day, I get several hundred emails each day from people telling me that I have NO RIGHT JUDGING OTHERS. I agree with that statement 100% since I am as big a sinner as ever walked the face of this earth and it is not my place, or job, to ever judge anyone. THE FACT HOWEVER is that what I do in the course of this Devotional each day is NOT judge anyone, but simply point out people and issues in our society in the context of encouraging you in your daily relationship with the Lord.

When I use the example of a person like Eminem, I am NOT judging him, God will do that. HIS ACTIONS JUDGE HIM!!!!! I DON'T HAVE TO!!!! When I talk about the sinful choice of those who engage in homosexual activity, I am NOT judging them. THEIR ACTIONS JUDGE THEM. What I do is take what a person has DONE in the context of God's Word which is our ultimate authority in ALL matters. IT IS GOD'S WORD THAT JUDGES THEM BASED ON WHAT THEY HAVE DONE!

I recently did a Devotional on how Liveprayer has literally kicked down the door of satan and walked into his home (the Internet) to share the hope and love of Jesus with millions each day. I never doubted for a second that there would be fierce attacks. In addition to app. 3-4 death treats that I get via email each month, last night when I was leaving Liveprayer at about 6pm, 2 of my tires were flat and a note was on my windshield that I should NEVER AGAIN say anything bad about Eminem. This morning, my wife received 2 phone calls telling her that because I had said people who commit acts of homosexuality sin, our home would be burned down. I would like to thank the local police officials for their help in these matters, as well as the FBI who many lawyers forward all of the death threats each month to. The fact is, I AM NOT AFRAID, MY WIFE IS NOT AFRAID, AND WHILE YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO SILENCE ME, YOU CAN NOT SILENCE THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD!!!!

What Jesus said in Matthew 7:1 is very powerful. WE have no right to judge anyone since we ourselves are frail, sinful people. We should be more concerned about the sin in OUR lives, then judging the sin in others. Having said that, those who God has called into spiritual leadership, must NEVER, EVER, shy away from calling sin sin. Those who commit acts of homosexuality are sinners. God said it, I didn't. Eminem has chosen to sell out his life to the record corporations and profit on putting out garbage to our kids. HE CHOSE TO DO THAT, I DIDN'T. He has to stand accountable for his actions and his life. HIS LIFE JUDGES HIM, I DON'T.

Anyone takes the time to read ALL of what I write each day, I ask people to pray for those who are lost, without hope. I called people to PRAY FOR Marshall Mathers, NOT condemn him. I call people often to PRAY FOR those who choose to engage in sinful sexual acts, whether it is homosexual acts, acts of adultery, or fornication. I use examples of the real world that we live in to drive home the point that I am making to YOU each day in relationship to your personal walk with the Lord.

I love you and care about you so much. I am not nearly as concerned for my own personal well being, as I am for your ETERNAL well being. THAT is why I do what I do each day. I will NEVER be silenced. As a matter of fact, many will be very disappointed in the coming months to see the voice that God will give me in the mainstream media in addition to Liveprayer to proclaim HIS TRUTH to this lost and hurting world that we live in. If Nick can allow the pro homosexual community to tell our kids that homosexuality is an acceptable choice... I will find the mainstream outlets to say that it is a sin and a path of destruction! If Eminem can have his garbage broadcast on MTV and other channels day and night, I will find mainstream outlets to tell people that his "music" is straight from the pits of hell, and there is only ONE ROAD to peace! If a few slashed tires, a few hateful emails, a few sick phone calls is the best that the devil has, he is to be pitied!

Please know today that Jesus was very clear about his admonition to "not judge others". But never take that to mean that we have to turn our heads to sin, not speak out about what GOD SAYS is wrong! We are living in the last days. The war between TRUTH and LIE will become more pronounced.

Please pray for me daily as I get even more focused on using the mainstream media to get the message of TRUTH to this lost and hurting world that we live in. Those who know Christ, who lived through the lies, know that it is the ONLY WAY. I judge no one. Only God can do that. But the Bible clearly says that "you will know a tree by the fruit that it bears".


In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal email at bkeller@liveprayer.com.

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