***EDITORIAL COMMENT: In light of the vote to ratify the ordination of a practicing homosexual bishop, the Episcopal Church is declared ANATHEMA! This is the church in Pergamum spoken of in Revelation 2:12. I can only advise anyone in that church to LEAVE. God will not be mocked by a church more worried about offending sinful men than God Himself. God cannot and will not bless sin. The Episcopal Church is no better than the abominable Metropolitan Community Churches that promote, glorify, and take pride in the sin of homosexuality. See this link for the full text: www.liveprayer.com/abomination.html

"Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." -Romans 1:32

***WHAT IS HAPPENING IN MASSACHUSETTS, SAN FRANCISCO, AND MANY OTHER STATES IS NOT ONLY MAKING A MOCKERY OF GOD'S HOLY INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE, BUT IS AN ABOMINATION TO GOD! If two people of the same sex choose to live together and engage in homosexual relations in complete rebellion to God's Word, that is their choice. But people who know Christ as their Savior cannot allow society to change God's definition of marriage to legalize this sin people have chosen to live in. Let me say right up front, a "civil union" is an UNACCEPTABLE compromise! You don't compromise the Word of God!

For the propoents of gay marriage who are comparing this to the civil rights movement of the 60's, that is simply absurd. A person does NOT chose the color of their skin. A person DOES chose who they have sex with! Also, why is San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom not in jail? Since when does the mayor of a city decide they have the right to blatantly ignore the law? What message does it send when the head of a major city decides to ignore the law because he and his activist wife determine they don't like that law? He should be fired immediately, charged criminally, or the message being sent to citizens is that if you don't agree with the law, just break it!

It is time for two things to happen. First, the CHURCH has been asleep for too long. Pastors MUST lead their congregations in fighting those who want to change God's Word. It is time for all the various pro family organizations, Christian legal organizations, to come together as ONE UNIFIED VOICE and put an end to these attempts to change God's definition of marriage. The homosexual community represents less than 1% of society, yet they press forward their agenda because they have clearly defined goals and are UNITED.

Second, it is time to hold our public officials and those in the media accountable on these issues. President Bush must not only speak out against "gay marriage" but civil unions. There can be NO COMPROMISE on this issue and our elected officials need to be held accountable. Likewise, people in the media that make their millions from courting "Christians," people like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, who have national influence, cannot be allowed a "politically correct pass" on this issue. These people love to let us know they are "Christians" so we listen to them and buy their books allowing them to command multi-million dollar salaries. Well, Christianity has a price and they either support God's institution of marriage or they don't, There is NO COMPROMISE!

(Genesis 2:24)

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

SOURCE: (Genesis 2:24) The New Student Bible, ©1992 Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids Michigan 49530

Marriage is God's idea, not man's. God's definition of marriage is one man, one woman, one lifetime. Let me encourage those of you who have not been married and are still waiting on God's perfect timing for your lifetime mate. This is the plan God has for a man and woman as set forth in the Bible. It is not even debatable to talk about any other kind of relationship because God clearly lays out HIS plan in the Word, and anything else is a perversion of that plan! Based on the divorce rate and percentage of people who engage in premarital sex, one man, one woman, one lifetime, may seem unrealistic in today's society.

However, the perversion of God's plan for marriage is evident throughout history and detailed in the Bible from the Old through the New Testaments. That perversion DOES NOT make God's plan any less true. As a matter of fact, it is only in following God's plan that it really works. One man, one woman, one lifetime, means no divorce. The family and our society has been greatly damaged by the ever increasing divorce rate from the mid-60's through today. One man, one woman, one lifetime, means you don't engage in premarital sex. For those moments of pleasure, the pain and consequences are evident in broken and scarred lives. One man, one woman, one lifetime, works because this is how God designed it, with the best interest of His children in mind.

Let me take a second to address those who have not been able to follow God's plan. Many who read this devotional have already been through divorce in their life. Many have already had multiple sexual partners. In many cases, all of this happened before you came to know Christ as your personal Savior. Does this mean you should give up? No! What this does mean though is that from this point forward, you should try to follow God's plan. It is the only way you will be in His will and able to know the fullness of His blessings in your life.

What you have done in your past is behind you. You can't change that. You need to take some time to repent and ask God's forgiveness, to heal, and then move forward in your life. God said in His Word that if we confess our sins, He will forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. That is His promise. Seek His forgiveness and move forward in your life following God.

Many reading this today will dismiss these words as nice but not realistic. That is straight from the pits of hell itself. It is VERY realistic. The world has perverted God's plan for marriage too long, and it is time to tell   people the truth. It works God's way, it will never work any other way. This Devotional today is a warning to those yet unmarried, those yet who can still follow God's plan for marriage in their life. If you don't believe God, talk to someone who has been through a divorce. Talk to those who have had multiple intimate relationships. Let them tell you firsthand the pain, heartache and consequences. Then talk to those who have listened faithfully to God and followed His plan of one man, one woman, one lifetime.

This devotional is also meant to encourage those who have failed to now follow God's plan in their life. It is not too late. God loves you, and while you always have to deal with the consequences of your past actions, you can do it God's way from here on out. The Bible talks about having a life of abundance. My friend, that life is only possible when you follow God's plan in all areas of your life, including His plan for marriage.

I love you and care about you deeply. I will be praying today that these words will find a fertile resting place in your heart. It should be a challenge to you. When you pray, ask God for the wisdom and strength to live according to His plan for your life. God will honor your commitment to Him.

Let your life be a living testimony to this lost and sin-filled world that there is a better way. The greatest testimony you have is not the things you say, but how you live. Let those around you notice how different your life is, how better your life is, because you have chosen to follow God and God's plan!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal email at bkeller@liveprayer.com.

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